CIESR trainings in Mtskheta for local NGOs and active communities
On October 4-5, 2019, the Caucasian Institute for Economic and Social Research (CIESR) conducted a two-day straining on the Civic Activism and Participation in Mtskheta for local NGOs and active communities.
Training was organized within the framework of the project - Experience-sharing of V4 countries to strengthen civic engagement - funded by the International Visegrad Foundation.
The training program is aimed at providing practical skills and information, as well as the necessary knowledge for civic activism and participation to local NGOs and active communities.
The training was opened by Davit Narmania, Former Mayor of Tbilisi (2014-2017) and Professor at Tbilisi State University. He shared his experience with participants and discussed the essence of the local self-government (overview of European Charter of Local Self-Government); Property, finances of the local self-government; Local self-governance and executive bodies; Legal acts of local self-government bodies. Temur Tordinava, a board member of CIESR conducted the following session on civic participation mechanisms, while Dr. Otar Kikvadze, a specialist on monitoring matters and co-author of the Guidebook on Monitoring spoke about the importance of monitoring mechanisms. Training was closed by a session on Methodologies for the Needs Assessment conducted by Natia Daghelishvili, Executive Director of the CIESR.
After completing the training, participants will have an opportunity to engage in different group activities on the monitoring and needs assessment methodologies together with experienced mentors from Visegrad countries.
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